Get Your Free 9-Point Copy Analyzer

Give your messaging a one-minute makeover before you press publish, post, print or send.


Created by award-winning copywriter Clay Manley

Hey there, Clay here...

You and I both know how much your messaging matters. That's why finding the right words is such a challenge.

Whether I'm writing for billion-dollar brands like Petco and Marvel or multimillion-dollar businesses like Clearly Filtered and Liquid I.V., I've found there's 9 key things to consider no matter how big, small, new or notable you are.

All 9 are revealed inside the Analyzer: Use it to shine a light on blind spots, find red flags and fine-tune your messaging to take your business to the next level.

The bottom line is it'll help you spread a stronger message in seconds.

Tap the black button below, then enter your info to get it now.


P.S. I regularly cycle free tools like the Analyzer in and out. That's why I wouldn't wait to get it. It's short, sweet and free, so you've got nothing to lose—and everything to gain.